Assam floods have affected lives of lakhs of people and their livelihood. In an attempt to rehabilitate the affected, Medreich Limited in association with People to People Health Foundation (PPHF), and Swastikam NGO, distributed Flood Relief Packages to 175 families of Gallipar Village and 3 No. Manahkuchi Village of Hajo Block on 1st Sept 2022 of Kamrup District, 309 Families of Sanekuchi, Thakuria Tula and Bargacha Villages of Barbhag Block on 3rd Sept 2022 of Nalbari District, and 123 Families of Halogaon Village of Hajo Block on 4th Sept. 2022 of Kamrup District, Assam. All the villages were highly affected by the flood sand, it was a devastating situation, as described by the Bargacha Village headman, Mr. Arbinda Boro, "The kits distributed are of big support and will help the villagers get back on track", remarked Mr Boro. He expressed thanks to PPHF and Swastikam NGO for executing this initiative on ground and special thanks to Medreich (A Meiji Group Company) without whom the Humanitarian Assistance to affected villagers won’t have been possible.

Our Sincere thanks to all the Volunteers and Members who participated in this 3 day distribution program :
Nishant Balgovind
Anamika Basumatary
Alfred Basumatary
Abhishek Kumar Raja
Meghali Swargiary
Ritumoni Das Talukdar
Rashmi Daimari
Jayanti Basumatary
Abhishek Talukdar
Mukesh Daimari
Prafullah Boro
Rikhshikha Talukdar and
Satrasin Hazwary

We are thankful to all the kind hearten and beautiful soul people for all the data collection, village and beneficiaries selection. Without their support, genuine people could not have been traced :
Sri Nirode Choudhury
Sri Sailon Baisya
Sri Pradeep Kalita
Sri Nilamani Kalita
Sri Dipen Kakati
Sri Debakanta Das
Sri Sammar Das and
Sri Samanta Das

Our Sincere thanks to all the energetic and highly motivated professional people from People to People Health Foundation (PPHF), without their help and support this humanitarian act could not have been possible :
Dr. Bhaswati Pathak,
Mr. Varghese C Joseph,
Dr. Sona Deshmukh,
Mr. Gulzar Ahmed, and
Mr. Usman Siddiqui

We are thankful to the President and Secretary of South Guwahati Primary Bodo Sahitya Sabha, Office of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha, Rati Swargiary Bhawan for providing us the space for Warehouse purpose.

The 3 days distribution event, brought lots of smile and happiness to thousands of faces. We feel satisfied to see them happy.

Dr Laxmikant Palo, CEO People to People Health Foundation said: Assam has been through one of its worst natural disasters and it is our responsibility to come together and lend support to those affected. Our gratitude to Medreich for their support.
Medreich Group CEO, Mr. Pankaj Garg said: Our hearts are with the those affected with Assam floods. At Medreich, we strongly believe in our value statement of “Winning Together”and we completely understand the distress and agony our fellow citizens underwent due to the natural calamity. We are glad to extend our humble support in this hour of crisis to people of Kamrup.
